Commit 2a3414fc by mReturn

fix bug

parent 1f943508
......@@ -60,19 +60,19 @@ public class Constants {
* uat测试环境配置.
// public static String ENVIROMENT = "uat";
// public static int LOG_LEVEL = LogUtils.LEVEL_ALL;
// public static String BASE_URL = "";
// public static String WEB_SOP = "";
// public static String WEB_SOP_DETAIL = "";
// public static String WEB_ZHI_SHI = "";
// public static String CHECK_MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
// public static String MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
// public static final String UP_PHOTO = "/file/uploadMore?targetPath=test/sp/mobile/android/business/checkApply";
// public static final String UP_VIDEO = "/file/uploadVideoOne?targetPath=test/video";
// public static final boolean IS_DEBUG = false;
// public static String VIDEO_SHARE_URL = ""; //uat 学习视频分享链接 type(课程: course 直播: live)
// public static int XLR_PID = 14; //小绿人商家id
public static String ENVIROMENT = "uat";
public static int LOG_LEVEL = LogUtils.LEVEL_ALL;
public static String BASE_URL = "";
public static String WEB_SOP = "";
public static String WEB_SOP_DETAIL = "";
public static String WEB_ZHI_SHI = "";
public static String CHECK_MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
public static String MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
public static final String UP_PHOTO = "/file/uploadMore?targetPath=test/sp/mobile/android/business/checkApply";
public static final String UP_VIDEO = "/file/uploadVideoOne?targetPath=test/video";
public static final boolean IS_DEBUG = false;
public static String VIDEO_SHARE_URL = ""; //uat 学习视频分享链接 type(课程: course 直播: live)
public static int XLR_PID = 14; //小绿人商家id
......@@ -80,19 +80,19 @@ public class Constants {
* 正式环境.
public static String ENVIROMENT = "release";
public static int LOG_LEVEL = LogUtils.LEVEL_OFF;
public static String BASE_URL = "";
public static String WEB_SOP = "";
public static String WEB_SOP_DETAIL = "";
public static String WEB_ZHI_SHI = "";
public static String CHECK_MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
public static String MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
public static final String UP_PHOTO = "/file/uploadMore?targetPath=online/sp/mobile/android/business/checkApply";
public static final String UP_VIDEO = "/file/uploadVideoOne?targetPath=online/video";
public static final boolean IS_DEBUG = false;
public static String VIDEO_SHARE_URL = ""; //学习视频分享链接 type(课程: course 直播: live)
public static int XLR_PID = 1936; //小绿人商家id
// public static String ENVIROMENT = "release";
// public static int LOG_LEVEL = LogUtils.LEVEL_OFF;
// public static String BASE_URL = "";
// public static String WEB_SOP = "";
// public static String WEB_SOP_DETAIL = "";
// public static String WEB_ZHI_SHI = "";
// public static String CHECK_MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
// public static String MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
// public static final String UP_PHOTO = "/file/uploadMore?targetPath=online/sp/mobile/android/business/checkApply";
// public static final String UP_VIDEO = "/file/uploadVideoOne?targetPath=online/video";
// public static final boolean IS_DEBUG = false;
// public static String VIDEO_SHARE_URL = ""; //学习视频分享链接 type(课程: course 直播: live)
// public static int XLR_PID = 1936; //小绿人商家id
......@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ buildscript {
ext.build_tools_version = "27.0.3"
ext.min_sdk_version = 17
ext.target_sdk_version = 26
ext.version_code = 272
ext.verson_name = "2.7.2"
ext.version_code = 273
ext.verson_name = "2.7.3"
ext.gradle_version = '3.1.4'
ext.isReleaseMinify = false
ext.isDebugMinify = false
......@@ -455,7 +455,8 @@ public interface OrderService {
* 工单sop列表项
@GET(Constants.API_7200 + "/ordersRelationSpuItemSop")
Observable<BaseResponse<BasePageBean<SopListBean>>> getSopList(@Query("ordersRelationSpuItemId") int ordersRelationSpuItemId);
Observable<BaseResponse<BasePageBean<SopListBean>>> getSopList(@Query("ordersRelationSpuItemId") int ordersRelationSpuItemId
, @Query("pageSize") int pageSize);
* 工单sop列表项
......@@ -477,9 +478,10 @@ public interface OrderService {
@GET(Constants.API_7200 + "/ordersLogistics")
Observable<BaseResponse<BasePageBean<OrderPartBean>>> getOrderPartListOld(@Query("orderId") int orderId,
@Query("sendType") int sendType,
@Query("page") int page,
@Query("pageSize") int pageSize);
@Query("sendType") int sendType,
@Query("page") int page,
@Query("pageSize") int pageSize);
* 备件物流列表
......@@ -538,6 +540,7 @@ public interface OrderService {
@POST(Constants.API_7700 + "/spSendOutGoods/confirmReceive")
Observable<BaseResponse<Boolean>> receivePart(@Body PartReceiveData data);
* 备件收货(旧版)
......@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ import io.reactivex.Observable;
import static com.dayu.order.common.OrderConstant.ORDER_SOP_FINISH;
import static com.dayu.order.common.OrderConstant.sopListData;
public class SopLocalActivity extends BaseActivity<SImplePresenter, ActivitySopLocalBinding> {
int mSopRid;
......@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ public class SopLocalActivity extends BaseActivity<SImplePresenter, ActivitySopL
private void initData() {
if (OrderConstant.sopListData == null) {
.subscribe(mPresenter.baseObserver(datas -> {
if (datas != null && datas.getData() != null) {
OrderConstant.sopListData = datas.getData();
......@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ public class HomeUserPresenter extends HomeUserContract.Presenter {
, responeThrowable -> mView.requestError()));
private void getIncomData() {
public void getIncomData() {
.subscribe(baseObserver(data -> mView.setIncomData(data)));
......@@ -372,6 +372,7 @@ public class HomeUserFragment extends BaseFragment<HomeUserPresenter, FragmentHo
, (dialog1, confirm) -> {
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