Commit 784415bd by mReturn


parent 341e10f4
......@@ -60,19 +60,19 @@ public class Constants {
* uat测试环境配置.
// public static String ENVIROMENT = "uat";
// public static int LOG_LEVEL = LogUtils.LEVEL_ALL;
// public static String BASE_URL = "";
// public static String WEB_SOP = "";
// public static String WEB_SOP_DETAIL = "";
// public static String WEB_ZHI_SHI = "";
// public static String CHECK_MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
// public static String MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
// public static final String UP_PHOTO = "/file/uploadMore?targetPath=test/sp/mobile/android/business/checkApply";
// public static final String UP_VIDEO = "/file/uploadVideoOne?targetPath=test/video";
// public static final boolean IS_DEBUG = false;
// public static String VIDEO_SHARE_URL = ""; //uat 学习视频分享链接 type(课程: course 直播: live)
// public static int XLR_PID = 14; //小绿人商家id
public static String ENVIROMENT = "uat";
public static int LOG_LEVEL = LogUtils.LEVEL_ALL;
public static String BASE_URL = "";
public static String WEB_SOP = "";
public static String WEB_SOP_DETAIL = "";
public static String WEB_ZHI_SHI = "";
public static String CHECK_MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
public static String MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
public static final String UP_PHOTO = "/file/uploadMore?targetPath=test/sp/mobile/android/business/checkApply";
public static final String UP_VIDEO = "/file/uploadVideoOne?targetPath=test/video";
public static final boolean IS_DEBUG = false;
public static String VIDEO_SHARE_URL = ""; //uat 学习视频分享链接 type(课程: course 直播: live)
public static int XLR_PID = 14; //小绿人商家id
......@@ -80,19 +80,19 @@ public class Constants {
* 正式环境.
public static String ENVIROMENT = "release";
public static int LOG_LEVEL = LogUtils.LEVEL_OFF;
public static String BASE_URL = "";
public static String WEB_SOP = "";
public static String WEB_SOP_DETAIL = "";
public static String WEB_ZHI_SHI = "";
public static String CHECK_MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
public static String MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
public static final String UP_PHOTO = "/file/uploadMore?targetPath=online/sp/mobile/android/business/checkApply";
public static final String UP_VIDEO = "/file/uploadVideoOne?targetPath=online/video";
public static final boolean IS_DEBUG = false;
public static String VIDEO_SHARE_URL = ""; //学习视频分享链接 type(课程: course 直播: live)
public static int XLR_PID = 1936; //小绿人商家id
// public static String ENVIROMENT = "release";
// public static int LOG_LEVEL = LogUtils.LEVEL_OFF;
// public static String BASE_URL = "";
// public static String WEB_SOP = "";
// public static String WEB_SOP_DETAIL = "";
// public static String WEB_ZHI_SHI = "";
// public static String CHECK_MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
// public static String MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
// public static final String UP_PHOTO = "/file/uploadMore?targetPath=online/sp/mobile/android/business/checkApply";
// public static final String UP_VIDEO = "/file/uploadVideoOne?targetPath=online/video";
// public static final boolean IS_DEBUG = false;
// public static String VIDEO_SHARE_URL = ""; //学习视频分享链接 type(课程: course 直播: live)
// public static int XLR_PID = 1936; //小绿人商家id
......@@ -63,6 +63,15 @@ public class Order implements Serializable{
private int version;
private String greenManStatus;
private int createProviderId;
private int alerted; //2开启预警 1或者空为未开启预警
public int getAlerted() {
return alerted;
public void setAlerted(int alerted) {
this.alerted = alerted;
public int getCreateProviderId() {
return createProviderId;
......@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ public class OrderAdapter extends CoreAdapter<Order, FragmentOrderdoingItemBindi
time = item.getAppointmentTime();
setTimeStatus(holder, time);
setTimeStatus(holder,item, time);
case 3://待服务
......@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ public class OrderAdapter extends CoreAdapter<Order, FragmentOrderdoingItemBindi
time = item.getConfirmDoorTime();
setTimeStatus(holder, time);
setTimeStatus(holder, item, time);
case 4://待处理
......@@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ public class OrderAdapter extends CoreAdapter<Order, FragmentOrderdoingItemBindi
time = item.getConfirmDoorTime();
setTimeStatus(holder, time);
setTimeStatus(holder, item, time);
case 5://已完成
// holder.tvErrorState.setText(mContext.getString(R.string.order_finish));
......@@ -340,20 +340,25 @@ public class OrderAdapter extends CoreAdapter<Order, FragmentOrderdoingItemBindi
private void setTimeStatus(FragmentOrderdoingItemBinding holder, String time) {
long timeDiff = CommonUtils.caluteTimeDiff(time);
double timeMin = timeDiff / 60000.0; //相差分钟数
if (timeMin < 0) {
private void setTimeStatus(FragmentOrderdoingItemBinding holder, Order item, String time) {
if (item.getAlerted() == 2){
} else if (timeMin < 120) {
} else {
long timeDiff = CommonUtils.caluteTimeDiff(time);
double timeMin = timeDiff / 60000.0; //相差分钟数
if (timeMin < 0) {
} else if (timeMin < 120) {
} else {
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