Commit 96fb4ff5 by mReturn


parent fc52a1b8
......@@ -26,30 +26,30 @@ public class Constants {
* uat环境配置.
public static final String ENVIROMENT = "uat";
public static final int LOG_LEVEL = LogUtils.LEVEL_ALL;
public static final String BASE_URL = "";
public final static String UP_PHOTO = "/file/uploadMore?targetPath=test/sp/mobile/android/business/checkApply";
public final static String WEB_SOP = "";
public final static String WEB_SOP_DETAIL = "";
public final static String WEB_ZHI_SHI = "";
public final static String CHECK_MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
public final static String MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
public static final boolean IS_DEBUG = true;
// public static final String ENVIROMENT = "uat";
// public static final int LOG_LEVEL = LogUtils.LEVEL_ALL;
// public static final String BASE_URL = "";
// public final static String UP_PHOTO = "/file/uploadMore?targetPath=test/sp/mobile/android/business/checkApply";
// public final static String WEB_SOP = "";
// public final static String WEB_SOP_DETAIL = "";
// public final static String WEB_ZHI_SHI = "";
// public final static String CHECK_MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
// public final static String MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
// public static final boolean IS_DEBUG = true;
* 正式环境.
// public static final String ENVIROMENT = "release";
// public static final int LOG_LEVEL = LogUtils.LEVEL_OFF;
// public static final String BASE_URL = "";
// public final static String UP_PHOTO = "/file/uploadMore?targetPath=online/sp/mobile/android/business/checkApply";
// public final static String WEB_SOP = "";
// public final static String WEB_SOP_DETAIL = "";
// public final static String WEB_ZHI_SHI = "";
// public final static String CHECK_MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
// public final static String MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
// public static final boolean IS_DEBUG = false;
public static final String ENVIROMENT = "release";
public static final int LOG_LEVEL = LogUtils.LEVEL_OFF;
public static final String BASE_URL = "";
public final static String UP_PHOTO = "/file/uploadMore?targetPath=online/sp/mobile/android/business/checkApply";
public final static String WEB_SOP = "";
public final static String WEB_SOP_DETAIL = "";
public final static String WEB_ZHI_SHI = "";
public final static String CHECK_MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
public final static String MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
public static final boolean IS_DEBUG = false;
* 统一配置.
......@@ -157,8 +157,8 @@ public class OrderApiFactory {
public static Observable<String> createUrl(int orderId) {
return Api.getService(OrderService.class).createUrl(orderId).compose(Api.applySchedulers());
public static Call<ResponseBody> createWxUrl(int orderId, int width) {
return Api.getService(OrderService.class).createWxUrl(orderId,width);
public static Call<ResponseBody> createWxUrl(String path , int width) {
return Api.getService(OrderService.class).createWxUrl(path,width);
public static Observable<Boolean> queryPayStatus(int siteId) {
......@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ interface OrderService {
Observable<BaseResponse<String>> createUrl(@Path("orderId") int orderId);
Call<ResponseBody> createWxUrl(@Query("id") int workId, @Query("width") int width);
Call<ResponseBody> createWxUrl(@Query("path") String path, @Query("width") int width);
* 查询是否开通移动支付.
......@@ -171,7 +171,8 @@ public class OrderConstant {
public final static String CREATE_URL = "/api-user" + "/account/createUrlByOrderId/{orderId}";
public final static String CREATE_WX_URL = "/api-third/WXUser/getWxQrCode?path=pages/orderServerDetail/main";
// public final static String CREATE_WX_URL = "/api-third/WXUser/getWxQrCode?path=pages/orderServerDetail/main";
public final static String CREATE_WX_URL = "/api-third/WXUser/getWxQrCode";
* 修改自建单.
......@@ -6,11 +6,14 @@ import;
import com.dayu.common.Constants;
import com.dayu.order.R;
import com.dayu.order.api.OrderApiFactory;
import com.dayu.order.common.OrderConstant;
import com.dayu.utils.QRCodeUtils;
import com.dayu.utils.ToastUtils;
import okhttp3.ResponseBody;
import retrofit2.Call;
......@@ -40,7 +43,14 @@ public class QRCodePresenter extends QRCodeContract.Presenter {
// }));
Call<ResponseBody> call = OrderApiFactory.createWxUrl(mId, 470);
// OrderConstant.CREATE_WX_URL = OrderConstant.CREATE_WX_URL.replace("{id}",mId+"");
String path = "pages/orderServerDetail/main?id="+mId;
// try {
// path = URLEncoder.encode(path,"UTF-8");
// } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
Call<ResponseBody> call = OrderApiFactory.createWxUrl(path, 470);
call.enqueue(new Callback<ResponseBody>() {
public void onResponse(Call<ResponseBody> call, Response<ResponseBody> response) {
......@@ -50,7 +60,7 @@ public class QRCodePresenter extends QRCodeContract.Presenter {
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(is);
} catch (IOException e) {
} catch (Exception e) {
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