Commit cacddc8c by mReturn

Revert "fix"

This reverts commit 5ed2f2e6
parent 17ae5561
......@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ public class MyApplication extends BaseApplication {
......@@ -205,23 +205,18 @@ public class MainActivity extends BaseActivity<MainPresenter, ActivityMainBindin
if (event.num<=0)
if (mOrderBadgeView == null) {
// mOrderBadgeView = new BadgeView(this);
// mOrderBadgeView.setTargetView(mBind.tabSecond);
// mOrderBadgeView.setBadgeGravity(Gravity.CENTER);
// mOrderBadgeView.setBadgeMargin(30, -8, 0, 0);
// mOrderBadgeView.setBackground(0,Color.TRANSPARENT);
// mOrderBadgeView.setTextColor(Color.parseColor("#FF5A4B"));
// mOrderBadgeView.setTextSize(18);
mOrderBadgeView = new BadgeView(this);
mOrderBadgeView.setBadgeMargin(20, 0, 0, 0);
mOrderBadgeView.setBadgeMargin(30, -8, 0, 0);
if (event.num < 100) {
mOrderBadgeView.setText(event.num + "", TextView.BufferType.NORMAL);
mOrderBadgeView.setText("("+event.num + ")");
} else {
// if (event.num < 100) {
......@@ -12,30 +12,30 @@ public class Constants {
* 测试环境配置.
// public static final int LOG_LEVEL = LogUtils.LEVEL_ALL;
// public static final String ENVIROMENT = "debug";
// public static final String BASE_URL = "";
// public final static String UP_PHOTO = "/file/uploadMore?targetPath=test/sp/mobile/android/business/checkApply";
// public final static String WEB_SOP = "";
// public final static String CHECK_MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
// public final static String MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
// public final static String WEB_SOP_DETAIL = "";
// public final static String WEB_ZHI_SHI = "";
// public static final boolean IS_DEBUG = true;
public static final int LOG_LEVEL = LogUtils.LEVEL_ALL;
public static final String ENVIROMENT = "debug";
public static final String BASE_URL = "";
public final static String UP_PHOTO = "/file/uploadMore?targetPath=test/sp/mobile/android/business/checkApply";
public final static String WEB_SOP = "";
public final static String CHECK_MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
public final static String MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
public final static String WEB_SOP_DETAIL = "";
public final static String WEB_ZHI_SHI = "";
public static final boolean IS_DEBUG = true;
* uat环境配置.
public static final String ENVIROMENT = "uat";
public static final int LOG_LEVEL = LogUtils.LEVEL_ALL;
public static final String BASE_URL = "";
public final static String UP_PHOTO = "/file/uploadMore?targetPath=test/sp/mobile/android/business/checkApply";
public final static String WEB_SOP = "";
public final static String WEB_SOP_DETAIL = "";
public final static String WEB_ZHI_SHI = "";
public final static String CHECK_MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
public final static String MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
public static final boolean IS_DEBUG = true;
// public static final String ENVIROMENT = "uat";
// public static final int LOG_LEVEL = LogUtils.LEVEL_ALL;
// public static final String BASE_URL = "";
// public final static String UP_PHOTO = "/file/uploadMore?targetPath=test/sp/mobile/android/business/checkApply";
// public final static String WEB_SOP = "";
// public final static String WEB_SOP_DETAIL = "";
// public final static String WEB_ZHI_SHI = "";
// public final static String CHECK_MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
// public final static String MULTI_WEB_SOP = "";
// public static final boolean IS_DEBUG = true;
* 正式环境.
......@@ -413,7 +413,7 @@
<string name="pay_fail">支付失败</string>
<string name="click_and_signature">点击此处让客户去签名</string>
<string name="download_gaode_notice">您还未安装高德地图~</string>
<string name="sop_title">标准操作规范SOP</string>
<string name="sop_title">标准操作规范SOP~</string>
<string name="process_notice">温馨提示:点击屏幕底部“提交验收”按钮,申请费用。</string>
<string name="next_step_process_order">您的工单已全部完成,点击下一步去提交验收</string>
<string name="create_time">下单时间</string>
......@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ buildscript {
ext.build_tools_version = "27.0.3"
ext.min_sdk_version = 16
ext.target_sdk_version = 26
ext.version_code = 232
ext.verson_name = "2.3.2"
ext.version_code = 231
ext.verson_name = "2.3.1"
ext.gradle_version = '3.1.4'
ext.isReleaseMinify = true
ext.isDebugMinify = false
......@@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ public class ReceivingPresenter extends ReceivingContract.Presenter {
private void receiveOrderSuccess() {
int num = mTotalRows - 1;
// mView.dumpBack();
mDisPosable = Observable.timer(300, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS).subscribe(aLong -> {
// EventBus.getDefault().post(new SwtichFragment(1));
EventBus.getDefault().post(new SwtichFragment(1));
EventBus.getDefault().post(new RefreshTab(0));
// EventBus.getDefault().post(new RefreshReceivingNum(num < 0 ? 0 : num));
EventBus.getDefault().post(new RefreshReceivingNum(num < 0 ? 0 : num));
EventBus.getDefault().post(new RefreshApoiment(-1));
......@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ public class HomeOrderFragment extends BaseFragment<HomeOrderPresenter, Fragment
// tab.getError() + "", tab.getCanceled() + ""};
String[] tabNum = new String[]{tab.getWaits() + "",tab.getReservation() + "", tab.getPendingservice() + "",
tab.getError() + ""};
EventBus.getDefault().post(new TabNumEvent(tab.getPendingservice()+tab.getWaits()+tab.getReservation()));
EventBus.getDefault().post(new TabNumEvent(tab.getPendingservice()+tab.getError()));
if (isFirstAddTab) {
mBind.tbHome.addTab(mBind.tbHome.newTab().setCustomView(CreatTab(tabNum[0], tabDesc[0])));
......@@ -81,7 +81,6 @@ public class OperateDetailFragment extends BaseFragment<SImplePresenter, Fragmen
mBind.llVideo.setVisibility(TextUtils.isEmpty(operateInfo.getVideoUrl()) ? View.GONE : View.VISIBLE);
// String url = "";
String url = operateInfo.getVideoUrl();
mBind.jzVideo.setUp(url, "");
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