Commit d2aa17e1 by han xu


parent f7851b64
......@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ public class CertificationUpdateActivity extends BaseActivity<SImplePresenter, A
private String identityPath;
private String identityBackPath;
private int identityRequest = 124;
private int identityBackRequest = 124;
private int identityBackRequest = 125;
private volatile int uploadImageCount = 0;
......@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ public class RegisterActivity extends BaseActivity<SImplePresenter, ActivityRegi
private String identityBackPath;
private int headerRequest = 123;
private int identityRequest = 124;
private int identityBackRequest = 124;
private int identityBackRequest = 125;
private volatile int uploadImageCount = 0;
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