Commit d3c66e52 by 罗翻

android v1.10

parent 30a8da14
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -20,16 +20,16 @@ public class Constants {
public static final String BASE_COUNT = "";
public static final int DEBUGLEVEL = LogUtils.LEVEL_ALL;
public static final String BASE_URL = "";
public final static String UP_PHOTO = "/file/uploadMore?targetPath=test/sp/mobile/android/business/checkApply";
public final static String WEB_SOP = "";
// public static final int DEBUGLEVEL = LogUtils.LEVEL_ALL;
// public static final String BASE_URL = "";
// public final static String UP_PHOTO = "/file/uploadMore?targetPath=test/sp/mobile/android/business/checkApply";
// public final static String WEB_SOP = "";
// public static final int DEBUGLEVEL = LogUtils.LEVEL_OFF;
// public static final String BASE_URL = "";
// public final static String UP_PHOTO = "/file/uploadMore?targetPath=online/sp/mobile/android/business/checkApply";
// public final static String WEB_SOP = "";
public static final int DEBUGLEVEL = LogUtils.LEVEL_ALL;
public static final String BASE_URL = "";
public final static String UP_PHOTO = "/file/uploadMore?targetPath=online/sp/mobile/android/business/checkApply";
public final static String WEB_SOP = "";
public static final String LOGIN_URL = "/check";
......@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ import retrofit2.converter.gson.GsonConverterFactory;
public class Api {
private static APIService service;
private static Retrofit retrofit;
private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 20;
private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT = 60;
private static Retrofit downloadRetrofit;
public static APIService getService() {
......@@ -54,6 +54,8 @@ public class Api {
OkHttpClient okHttpClient = new OkHttpClient.Builder()
.writeTimeout(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
.connectTimeout(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
......@@ -161,10 +161,10 @@ public class ProcessOrderActivity extends BaseActivity<ProcessOrderPresenter, Ac
.previewImage(true)// 是否可预览图片 true or false
.isCamera(true)// 是否显示拍照按钮 true or false
.isZoomAnim(true)// 图片列表点击 缩放效果 默认true
.sizeMultiplier(0.5f)// glide 加coose载图片大小 0~1之间 如设置 .glideOverride()无效
.setOutputCameraPath("/CustomPath")// 自定义拍照保存路径,可不填
.sizeMultiplier(0.1f)// glide 加载图片大小 0~1之间 如设置 .glideOverride()无效
.setOutputCameraPath("/CustomPath")// 自定义拍照保存路径,可不填
.compress(true)// 是否压缩 true or false
.glideOverride(200, 200)// int glide 加载宽高,越小图片列表越流畅,但会影响列表图片浏览的清晰度
.glideOverride(300, 500)// int glide 加载宽高,越小图片列表越流畅,但会影响列表图片浏览的清晰度
.hideBottomControls(true)// 是否显示uCrop工具栏,默认不显示 true or false
.previewEggs(true)// 预览图片时 是否增强左右滑动图片体验(图片滑动一半即可看到上一张是否选中) true or false
......@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ public class LocationUtils {
// mLocationOption.setInterval(2000);
// 设置定位参数、、
......@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ public class LocationUtils {
mDisposable = Observable.timer(8000, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
.subscribe(aLong -> {
if (flag) {
// ToastUtils.showShortToast("获取定位失败");
flag = false;
......@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ public class LocationUtils {
flag = false;
// ToastUtils.showShortToast("定位失败了");
......@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import android.text.TextUtils;
import com.dayu.bigfish.bean.UserInfo;
import com.dayu.bigfish.utils.SPUtils;
* 主要管理用户信息
......@@ -56,6 +57,12 @@ public class UserManager {
SPUtils.put(context, "IMAGE_URL", imageUrl);
public void saveUser(Context context, UserInfo info) {
if (info != null) {
SPUtils.put(context, "USER_INFO", new Gson().toJson(info));
public void saveUserInfo(Context context, UserInfo info) {
if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(info.getToken())) {
SPUtils.put(context, "ACCESS_TOKEN", info.getToken());
<string name="tv_dayu">大鱼师傅</string>
<string name="tv_dayu">大鱼工程师</string>
<string name="tv_start_page_text">©&#160;2017&#160;大鱼智能&#160;版权所有</string>
<string name="tv_login_title">大鱼工程师</string>
<string name="tv_fonts">fonts/DIN Alternate Bold.ttf</string>
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